General courses. Basic level


Basic level

To understand, say and write the most common phrases and expressions in everyday situations.

Students will be able to understand, say and write the most common phrases and expressions in basic everyday situations, which involve a direct exchange of information about personal, family and routine matters (personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

Each grade can be taken separately or the entire level. It is organised into three grades:

Students will be able to make basic interventions in everyday conversations and understand simple and short spoken texts, moderately formal, about topics of general interest. Learners will also become familiar with the Catalan language system, sounds and spelling, and will begin to write short texts with very basic vocabulary.


Students will produce short texts on topics of general interest and learn to hold short conversations about topics of general interest. They will also be able to understand the main ideas of short spoken texts on general topics.


Students will understand and produce spoken texts and conversations in standard variety, in general and in detail, on any topic of general interest. They will also understand the main points of general information broadcast by the media. Learners will also learn how to write short texts in standard variety about everyday surroundings and the learning environment.


Catalan language certificate at basic level, A2.



Notable features:

Última actualització: 30/06/21