Written expression courses
These courses prioritise and enhance written expression so students can learn and improve specific aspects of the language, as well as produce consistent texts that enable them to communicate, organise themselves, learn and participate in their daily and professional lives.
Available courses
- Grammatical Aspects. Punctuation
- Grammatical Aspects. Connectors
- Grammatical Aspects. Weak Pronouns
- Grammatical Aspects. Relative Pronouns
- Grammatical Aspects. Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs
- Orthographic Aspects. Accentuation and Diaeresis
- Creative Writing
- Writing to Communicate. Basic Communication Strategies
- Writing Letters and Emails
- Spelling Reinforcement
- Grammar Reinforcement
- Writing on Social Networks
- Opinion Articles: Knowing How to Write with Arguments
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Última actualització: 30/06/21