Basic 1

Basic 1


Students will learn how to make basic interventions in everyday conversations and generally understand simple and short spoken texts, moderately formal, about topics of general interest. Learners will also become familiar with the Catalan language system, sounds and spelling, and will begin to write short texts with very basic vocabulary.


People who neither understand nor speak Catalan, who want to acquire the spoken skills to be able to relate to their surroundings or develop their professional tasks.



  • Greeting people, saying goodbye, introducing oneself and replying to a thank you message. 
  • Ask and say who someone is.
  • Ask about someone. 
  • Give personal information about oneself or a third party. 
  • Provide information about the family, job and home.  
  • Identify people. Describe someone physically and by their character. 
  • Ask and explain where someone lives and where a place is. Request and give directions to buildings. 
  • Obtain information about timetables and means of transport.
  • Ask and tell the time. 
  • Talk about gastronomic habits. What people usually drink and what they like the most. 
  • Request and give information about daily activities and hobbies. 
  • Queue in a shop, ask for a product and information about articles, ask the price and pay. Make simple orders. 
  • Express feelings and moods. 
  • Request information about a course. 
  • Obtain and give information about transport timetables and where to go to catch a specific means of transport. 


Fill in forms and registration forms with the necessary personal data. 

Grammar and vocabulary

  • Determiners: articles, demonstratives and possessives.
  • Personal pronouns: strong, interrogative, indefinite, numerals, quantitative and comparative.
  • Adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, adjectives, verbs of everyday actions (to be, to call oneself, to live, to have, to know, to want, to be able, to be worth) and verbal periphrasis of obligation. 

During the course, students study all this content in an interrelated way.


Face-to-face and online.


45 hours


Assessment is continuous, based on the evaluation of course assignments.


Achievement and attendance.

For more information, see the regulations for Catalan courses.

For more information, see the:

Última actualització: 24/03/21