Basic 2

Basic 2


Produce short texts and hold short conversations on topics of general interest. Understand the main ideas of short spoken texts on general topics.


People who neither understand nor speak Catalan, who want to acquire the spoken skills to be able to relate to their surroundings or develop their professional tasks.



  • Describe people (physical and character traits).
  • Describe places and spaces in the local environment. 
  • Make simple descriptions and narratives about events (everyday activities) in first or third person. 
  • Be able to explain a health problem and some of its symptoms to the doctor. 
  • Participate in simple conversations about the home, work (and working conditions), gastronomy, etc. and give opinions. 
  • Express feelings and moods. 
  • Ask for a favour. 
  • Give instructions. 
  • Proposing, suggesting and advising. 
  • Make an order. Order a product specifying its features. 
  • Ask for and give information about where a particular service can be found. 
  • Request or give information about the characteristics of a property. 
  • Obtain and give information about transport timetables and the itineraries of a specific means of public transport. 
  • Leave a message on an answering machine. 
  • Invite someone to a celebration or party. 
  • Exchange information about holiday destinations. 
  • Give instructions on how to prepare a particular dish. 


Fill in forms and write texts for classroom work. 

Grammar and vocabulary

Pronouns, contractions, adjectives, verbs (copulative), verbal periphrasis of obligation, adverbs and prepositions. 

During the course, students study all this content in an interrelated way.


Face-to-face and online.


45 hours


Assessment is continuous, based on the evaluation of course assignments.


Achievement and attendance.

For more information, see the regulations for Catalan courses.

For more information, see the:

Última actualització: 24/03/21